Trees and Shrubs

Trees and shrubs available from English Woodlands include eye-catching specimens; native plants to include within garden borders, trees for hedging, woodland and the wider landscape, street trees and even small trees suitable for courtyards and pots. Tall screening plants are invaluable to provide privacy and evergreens including conifers bring all season interest and interesting architecture to any setting.
Bareroot plants and rootballed plants are for planting during winter months whereas container plants can be planted at anytime of the year.
BUY A MIX OF 5 LARGE TREES (250cm +) FOR A DISCOUNTED PRICE. Please call our sales office to claim this discount. Tel 01435 862992 or email
Shopping Options
Aesculus carnea Briotii-Red Flowering Horse Chestnut Container plants Tree Standard In Season Info£71.00Out of stock
Amelanchier arborea Robin Hill-Snowy Mespilus, Pink Juneberry Container plants Tree Standard In Season Info£480.00
Amelanchier lamarkii-Snowy Mespilus or Juneberry, Bush Form Container plants Shrub In Season Info£192.00
Apple Bramley Seedling-2yr bush MM106 rootstock Container Fruit trees Fruit tree In Season Info£64.00
Apple Bramley Seedling-ESPALIER FORM MM106 ROOTSTOCK Container Fruit trees Trained Fruit Tree In Season Info£99.00