Multistem / Feathered Tree
Multistem trees are those that have been pruned and trained from an early age to have two or more stems growing from a single root. This forms an architectural feature, with the multiple stems providing structural interest and charm. A feathered tree is one with a single main stem, having side branches emerging right down, almost to the ground in some cases. Standard trees, in contrast, are grown with a clear stem, having branches higher up. These are useful in order to keep the view open and allow easy access alongside the tree.
The shape of a tree forms a major part of its character and English Woodlands is proud to offer many different species to suit different settings.
BUY A MIX OF 5 LARGE TREES (250cm +) FOR A DISCOUNTED PRICE. Please call our sales office to claim this discount. Tel 01435 862992 or email
Betula utilis jacquemontii-Himalayan Birch, Mature Feathered Form Container plants Tree Feathered In Season Info£466.80Out of stock
Betula utilis jacquemontii-Himalayan Birch, Multi-Stem Form Container plants Multistem In Season InfoAs low as £244.80
Catalpa bignoniodes Aurea-Golden Indian Bean Tree Container plants Tree Feathered In Season Info£108.00
Corylus avellana Zellernus-Red Filbert Hazel, Multi Stem Form Container plants Multistem In Season Info£249.60
Parrotia persica-Persian Ironwood Tree, Multi-Trunk form Container plants Multistem In Season Info£1,654.80Out of stock
Photinia Red Robin-Red Robin, Multi Trunk Form Container plants Multistem In Season InfoAs low as £222.00
Prunus cerasifera Nigra-Purple Leaf Plum, Multistem Form Container plants Multistem In Season Info£152.40
Prunus Kojo no Mai-Fuji cherry, Multistem Form Blossom Tree Container plants Multistem In Season Info£297.55Out of stock
Prunus serrula Tibetica-Tibetan Cherry, Multi Stem Form Container plants Multistem In Season InfoOut of stock