Thornless Hedge Mixture Pack of 25 Bareroot Plants

The English Woodlands' Thornless Hedge Mixture is a pre-pack of 25 bareroot plants. These are designed to make a people-friendly hedge, without spikes! The Thornless Mixture comprises a bundle of 25 plants which are 60-80cm in height. The plants include the following:
10 field maple, 6 hornbeam, 3 hazel, 2 guelder rose (Viburnum opulus), 2 spindle, 2 dogwood.


* Spend £500+ on bareroot plants to receive a discount. Offer also applies to planting sundries.

Please call the sales office to apply: 01435 862992, or email:


Size Min Qty Unit Price Qty Total Season
60-80cm 1
£0.00 In Season Info
A great hedge to grow alongside a pathway or playground due to lack of thorns.