Urgent advice: why Rhododendrons and Camellias need water NOW!

Urgent advice: why Rhododendrons and Camellias need water NOW!
18 July 2023 761 view(s)
Urgent advice: why Rhododendrons and Camellias need water NOW!

Why it's important to water your Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Camellias

Did you know that your Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Camellias are all busy forming plump and viable buds that will give you beautiful flowers next spring? In order to do this successfully, they need water. We advise you to water them during summer in order to safeguard your blooms! These are species that like acidic soils, known as ericaceous plants, and they prefer rainwater rather than tap water. If this isn't possible, leave your tap water to settle for a few days so that the alkalinity can gradually reduce. 

Rhododendron buds

Another helpful tip for successful flowering: remove the spent flowers very carefully because next year's buds are located directly beneath the old blooms. Don't be tempted to cut the stems lower down as you will forfeit next season's display. 

Here at English Woodlands we appreciate that water is scarce during summer months. However, it is essential that newly planted trees and shrubs are watered regularly during their first few seasons. A new tree needs at least two watering cans full of water twice per week. Once established, the roots of trees and shrubs are able to seek out water from further afield, but they need your help in the early years.

Enjoy summer!

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