Rootballed Hedge Plants in stock

2 November 2021 194 view(s)
Rootballed Hedge Plants in stock

Great quality rootballed evergreen hedge plants are now instock.
Field grown and lifted in the autumn they are an economical and effective way of establishing a new hedge.

Taxus baccata - Yew suits well drained soils, creates a classic hedge and clips beautifully.

Yew 60-80cm RB

Taxus baccata - Yew 60-80cm £30 or £25.20 each for 10 or more

Other sizes available:

100-125cm - £54 single or £48 each for 10+
150-175cm - £138 single or £126 each for 10+
175-200cm - £177.60 or £165.6 each for 10+
200-225cm - £210 or £198 each for 10+

Yew 200 - 225cm

Yew - 200-225cm


Wester Red Cedar - Thuja plicata

Tolerates heavier soils than yew and unlike Leyland it can be pruned hard - it creates a beautiful hedge. 

Thuja plicata 150-175cm

150-175cm (above) cost £54 single £49.20 each 10+

175-200cm - £64.80 single £60 each 10+

200-225cm - £74.40 (below) single £67.20 each 10+

Thuja plicata 200-225cm

200-225cm Thuja plicata.

Also available holly - Ilex aquifolium Alaska 125-150cm £66 or £61.20 for 10+

Browse our website, telephone 01435 862992 for availability or come and visit!

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