Spring is almost here!
English Woodlands is delighted to celebrate the last month of winter (and the ideal planting time), by offering you a discount code. Use LOVETREES25 at the checkout stage on the website to gain 10% off your tree orders. View all trees HERE.
This discount can also be redeemed against bareroot plants too. You can view them HERE.
The answer to questions often posed at this time of year is YES, you can plant trees and shrubs now, but please wait until the ground is frost-free. Bareroot and rootballed plants can be stored until the soil conditions are just right. Store your plants in a frost-free, sheltered environment, with damp roots but not submerged in water. Remember to use Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi at the planting stage. This organic fungi helps establish healthy root growth. Remember, also, to protect your plants against rabbits and wind, using tree shelters, stakes and ties, where necessary.
Take a look at the bareroot selection available HERE.
Those spending £500+ on bareroot plants are eligible to receive a discount. This offer also applies to planting sundries such as tree shelters.
Members of farm cooperatives: Anglia Farmers; Southern Farmers; Framlingham Farmers and North Hart Farmers are entitled to receive an additional discount.
Please call the sales office to apply for all discounts: 01435 862992, or email: sales@englishwoodlands.com
Many plants are at their best during winter, including charming Skimmia japonica 'Rubella'.
Others have the most amazing winter scent, and the prize for this goes to Sarcococca confusa, the sweet box. It hides its secret amongst evergreen leaves, but the perfume reaches forth through the winter chill.
For the most unusual flowers, with winter scent too, we have to nominate Hamamelis, the beautiful witch hazel!
English Woodlands
Burrow Nursery
Cross in Hand
East Sussex
TN21 0UG
Tel: 01435 862992