Early spring! English Woodlands has wonderful trees in blossom, but don't forget these garden tasks
1 March 2023 240 view(s)
Early spring! English Woodlands has wonderful trees in blossom, but don't forget these garden tasks

Welcome to spring!

March is here, with all its vagaries of weather. But it's a month filled with hope. Even if there is ice, winds and floods, we know that spring is in the air. For that reason, this is the  perfect planting time provided the soil isn't waterlogged or frozen. There is already some early spring blossom here at the English Woodlands nursery, take a look at Prunus 'Okame' below!

prunus Okame blossom in early spring 

Plant trees and shrubs as soon as possible and you'll soon be enjoying the sight of fresh new leaves and flowers, depending on the variety.

Order your trees online: simply visit the English Woodlands website and please do ask us if you need some assistance.  Explore our range of trees HERE

Gardening jobs for March

There are some garden tasks that might need your attention this month. Firstly, however, don't be tempted to cut back your perennials too early. The old, dead growth offers excellent protection to the roots against ice, cold and even excessive wetness. Likewise, don't clear away the leaves and debris from your borders. Our precious wildlife needs the cover and some insects will be in a state known as diapause. This is similar to hibernation - they are sleeping within the plant stems and curled within leaves. Wait as long as you can before spring cleaning the garden!

  • You can prune roses, including bush and climbing varieties.
  • Prune Cornus (dogwood) and Salix (willow) if you grow it for the winter stem colour. Stooling means cutting back very hard back to the main trunk and it is most often practiced on willow and coppiced hazel. The rods or stems that grow will be tall and straight, with good colour. 
  • Don't be tempted to prune spring flowering shrubs, even if they are untidy. You will lose this year's flowers.
  • Some evergreen shrubs such as Choisya are slightly tender, so delay pruning until the weather has warmed.
  • You can prune back hardy plants such as the cherry laurel, Prunus laurocerasus, if required. 

Leaves and blossom to tempt!

The spring blossom season is here, take a look at some of the temptations that will be blooming soon!  Leaf buds are unfurling and there is great promise of good things to come. Here at English Woodlands we have something for every type of outdoor space imaginable, from the smallest courtyard through to a country estate. Click on the tree photo for more details:

Prunus Accolade flowering cherry

Hawthorn tree Crataegus Pauls Scarlet

Amelanchier Robin Hill

Paperbark maple Acer griseum

Prunus Kanzan

Need some help?

Our specialist staff members are here to assist you make a wise choice for your garden or project. Trees should be selected for their suitability for the space, soil and location to ensure their long-term success.
You can call us on: 01435 862992
There is also planting advice available on the website

Enjoy the spring!



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