Plant Healthy Certification

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8 January 2021 261 view(s)
Plant Healthy Certification

English Woodlands Awarded 'Plant Healthy' Certification - an industry scheme, independently audited, designed to improve and recognise good biosecurity practice in the UK horticultural industry.

At English Woodlands we always aim to supply great quality plants and be vigilant about plant health as we do so. Biosecurity has become more important as we see an increased threat to plants from pests and disease. To counter the threat from plant pests, Defra's Plant Biosecurity Strategy for Great Britain proposed the development of certification schemes to improve biosecurity in the UK horticultural sector. The scheme aims:-

  •  To make it easy to identify businesses or organisations that trade and grow plants to a high plant health and biosecurity standard.
  •  Reduce the risk of introducing / spreading destructive plant pests via plant supply chains.
  •  Protect the horticulture industry, other cultivated plants and natural habitats.

Following an audit in December we are delighted to announce English Woodlands has been awarded 'Plant Healthy Certification'.

For more information about the certification scheme please see their website 

Plant Healthy Certification

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