Have a happy and colourful 2022, the year of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Cornus winter stem colour
22 December 2021 97 view(s)
Have a happy and colourful 2022, the year of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Thank you, to all our valued English Woodlands customers

Here at English Woodlands in the heart of East Sussex, we've had an unusually busy and, along with all of you, a challenging year during 2021. We would like to thank YOU for your valued custom and optimism. We have loved hearing about your planting activities, plans and schemes, and always enjoy watching them develop into reality. We wish you a very Merry Christmas, followed by a healthy, happy and colourful New Year.

We are always pleased to discuss your needs during our opening hours, six days per week, and you can call us on 01435 862 992 if you need any help, guidance or information.


Snowman in winter

Why do trees matter?

There are many great things to say about beautiful trees, but one of the most relevant is the fact that we plant a tree today for what it will give in the future. You can't help but be optimistic when you think about the wonderful things trees provide.

Avenue of trees

Here are just a few gifts a tree gives throughout its long life:

  • Carbon capture - one of the greatest assets when it comes to tackling climate change. It's the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide before it is released into the atmosphere.
  • Trees produce oxygen - and we all know how vital this is to human life on Earth.
  • Biodiversity - Trees play host to thousands of other life forms, each one being important in its own right.
  • Clean air - Particulate Matter (PM) can be very harmful to human lungs and trees are efficient at removing this from the atmosphere. Some of the best are birch, yew, elder, pines and cypresses. Trees also filter atmospheric pollutants like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.
  • Trees can help prevent flooding - Their roots can take up 100 gallons of water per day. What's more, tree roots make channels under the ground, allowing water to soak through and slow down the flow. Leaves also intercept rainfall and this decelerates the speed that water flows into rivers. 
  • Tree roots stabilise the soil, especially on river banks, keeping the soil anchored in place. This helps to prevent mud slides and erosion. Some of the best trees to plant near water are Betula nigra (river birch), Populus tremula (quaking aspen), Alnus glutinosa (alder), many varieties of Salix (willow).

Of course, trees also provide shade, reduce the effects of wind, provide screening and privacy and they have been shown to help boost human emotions. Not to mention their beauty and grandeur within gardens and the wider landscape.

Plant a Tree for the Jubilee

Copper Beech Tree planted for QGC

As we enter 2022, the year of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, we invite you to participate in the Queen's Green Canopy initiative. Everyone in the UK is urged to Plant a Tree for the Jubilee during 2022. The photo above shows a fine copper beech which was supplied by English Woodlands and planted in Brighton and Hove in honour of Her Majesty's 70 years on the throne. Visit the English Woodlands Queens Green Canopy page HERE.

The specialists at English Woodlands are always pleased to offer advice and can organise the delivery and even planting of trees within certain areas in the South East.

Contact us on: 01435 862 992

Meanwhile, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Frost on a fruit tree twig




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