Aesculus hippocastanum Horse Chestnut tree

Aesculus hippocastanum is the much-loved horse chestnut, a large and broad tree with fan shaped compound leaves. Bears attractive panicles of white flowers with yellow to red marks in May followed by spiny fruits containing one or more large glossy brown seeds known as conkers. Ultimate height : up to 40m. Suits most soils and sites except very windy or coastal.
Size Min Qty Unit Price Qty Total Season
120-150cm 1
£0.00 In Season Info
These long-lived trees are a hallmark of autumn when the mahogany coloured shiny seeds, known as conkers, appear. Surrounded by their prickly green casing, these have been delighting children for centuries. This is a great tree to use as a specimen in a large garden, in parks and on the local village green. Can be easily identified in winter by twigs which have large, sticky buds.